Last Wednesday some desperate folks took advantage of a greater number of needy people. The Rainier Valley Food Bank was robbed of nearly $2000.00 worth of food donations that were earmarked for low-income residents of south Seattle. How's that for a happy holiday? That's a lot of food from a lot of needy people. I can't imagine sitting down to a holiday meal -a supposed celebration of thanks no less- of pilfered potatoes, swindled swine or poached eggs. How can anyone eat a stolen holiday from those that are trying to do things the right way; play by the rules. It's not easy accepting charity, and there is something to be said for those that struggle as they do. An air of respect earned the hard way.
Salvation came in the form of donations. Over $25,000 worth of salvation. Yes, the food was replaced by businesses in the community such as the Colombia City Bakery and Tutta Bella. A grand gesture in troubled times. Kudos to those who donated, some for the second time.
Sadly to say, had these desperate thieves respected themselves or their community a little bit more, this would never had happened. They could have gone to the food bank and helped distribute the food to their neighbors as they fed themselves and loved ones. In my opinion The real crime here was the disgrace the theft brought to our community. Nothing changed. The needy will still get fed, a few people get recognition for their kindness and outreach, but our community suffers. This is going to be the topic of discussion at Thanksgiving dinner for dozens. Is this a holiday of giving thanks or accepting desperation? What does this say about us as a society? This event will be forgotten soon. The thieves will move on to bigger and better things because no one really got hurt; everyone got fed. It's no wonder The US isn't thought of to well in the global perspective. I can hardly stomach some of us myself.
Made me wonder whether there are any such 'food banks' over here in Athens, Greece.
ReplyDeleteImpressive also your honest and good way of writing. A wonderful Tuesday for you.